Core Services | Flood Risk & Drainage
Optimising preparation for climate change and flood protection.
Flood risk and drainage provision are primary considerations for both new and existing developments, with climate change heightening the risk of river and watercourse levels rising and drainage in many areas currently recognised as being wholly inadequate. At Norder, we are highly experienced at initiating the drainage and flood prevention changes organisations need to make.

Better informed is better protected.
Under government guidance on Flood Risk and Coastal Change (published March 2014), all forms of flooding/drainage provision affected by new developments are to be assessed and managed as part of the planning process. We undertake Flood Risk Assessments and Drainage Assessments to facilitate planning applications or improve existing flooding issues.
Our extensive experience means that we can provide innovative solutions to mitigate the impact of development, including the design of compensatory washland, surface water storage facilities, soakaways and swales, as well as the design of traditional drainage systems.